Robo-Taxis in San Francisco: A Milestone for Autonomous Vehicles

Robo-Taxis in San Francisco: A Milestone for Autonomous Vehicles

Robo-Taxis: A Game-Changer for San Francisco In early August, San Francisco achieved a significant milestone, marking a notable victory for the autonomous vehicle industry. Following a decision by California regulators, it became the first city in the US to grant permission for fully autonomous vehicles to operate as taxis, commonly referred to as robo-taxis. This…

Motorists and Bicyclists Must Adhere to Same Traffic Laws to Ensure Safety

Motorists and Bicyclists Must Adhere to Same Traffic Laws to Ensure Safety

As most bicyclists in the Sunshine State already know, Florida consistently ranks as one of the deadliest states in the country for bicyclists. According to 2022 data from the Florida Department of Highway and Motor Vehicle Safety, there were 213 fatalities in bicycle crashes in Florida and 6,738 accidents in which a bicyclist suffered injuries….

What If an Uninsured Motorist Hits Me?

What If an Uninsured Motorist Hits Me?

You are driving on I-95 when you are rear-ended by another driver who is required under Florida law anytime a motor vehicle accident results in either property damage or personal injuries or death to pull his car to the side of the road. You also pull your car safely to the side of the road…

Cyclist Killed by Car While Riding in San Francisco

Cyclist Killed by Car While Riding in San Francisco

A ten-time world champion cyclist, Ethan Boyes, was killed in San Francisco while training in early April. Boyes competed in a type of cycling known as track cycling, which takes place indoors on a banked track. A New York Times report regarding his death reported that he was lawfully in a bike lane on a heavily…

In a Rear-End Collision, who is at Fault?

In a Rear-End Collision, who is at Fault?

You are driving, approaching an intersection where the pedestrian walk signal is coming close to the end of its countdown, so you know the light is likely to soon turn yellow, followed quickly by the inevitable red light. Knowing you are too far away to have any chance of making the light, you slow your car…

What if the Other Driver Lies to the Police?

What if the Other Driver Lies to the Police?

Someone turning left and speeding through an intersection, laying on his horn in an attempt to beat a red light, plows into your car as you accelerate from a green light with the right of way on a busy South Florida road in broad daylight. He smashes into your rear driver’s side door and trunk,…