Robo-Taxis in San Francisco: A Milestone for Autonomous Vehicles

Robo-Taxis in San Francisco: A Milestone for Autonomous Vehicles

Robo-Taxis: A Game-Changer for San Francisco In early August, San Francisco achieved a significant milestone, marking a notable victory for the autonomous vehicle industry. Following a decision by California regulators, it became the first city in the US to grant permission for fully autonomous vehicles to operate as taxis, commonly referred to as robo-taxis. This…

Can one use Comparative Negligence against me?

Can one use Comparative Negligence against me?

What if I Am Not Wearing My Seatbelt and Someone Else Hits and Injures Me? You are in a hurry to get to work, so you jump into your car and don’t put your seatbelt on before you immediately pull out of your driveway, instead planning to buckle up at the first red light you…

What if Someone Else Injures Me, can I seek Medical Treatment without Health Insurance?

What if Someone Else Injures Me, can I seek Medical Treatment without Health Insurance?

You were walking across the street and had the right of way due to an illuminated walk sign. You were paying attention to your surroundings carefully, scanning the road for potential dangers, and generally doing everything you were supposed to be doing while crossing the road according to Florida law. A car approached the intersection…

What if the Other Driver Lies to the Police?

What if the Other Driver Lies to the Police?

Someone turning left and speeding through an intersection, laying on his horn in an attempt to beat a red light, plows into your car as you accelerate from a green light with the right of way on a busy South Florida road in broad daylight. He smashes into your rear driver’s side door and trunk,…