What if the Other Driver Lies to the Police?

What if the Other Driver Lies to the Police?

Someone turning left and speeding through an intersection, laying on his horn in an attempt to beat a red light, plows into your car as you accelerate from a green light with the right of way on a busy South Florida road in broad daylight. He smashes into your rear driver’s side door and trunk,…

What If Multiple People Were Responsible for My Injuries?

What If Multiple People Were Responsible for My Injuries?

If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident or any other personal injury scenario, sometimes there is only one person who is responsible for your injuries.  This makes proving your case relatively simple and straightforward; you just have to show that the one person was negligent, that the person’s negligence caused you injuries and…

Pedestrian Accidents and Negligence

Pedestrian Accidents and Negligence

Pedestrian accidents in Florida occur with dangerous regularity.  A pedestrian many times may be in a rush and may feel like he or she does not have time to wait for a pedestrian signal at a busy intersection to change before crossing a busy street.  For instance, you may be hurrying back from a weekday…