Allen Gressett: Passion and Loyalty Define Him

Allen Gressett: Passion and Loyalty Define Him

Allen Gressett joined the Memphis, Tennessee office of Schwed, Adams, Sobel & McGinley six months ago. Having been born and raised in Mississippi, Gressett has a deep sense of loyalty and passion for his home state, the work he does and his intrinsic need to give back. Gressett crosses the state line every day to…

Law Office in Memphis Tennessee

Law Office in Memphis Tennessee

Schwed Law (Schwed, Adams, Sobel & McGinley, P.A.) is proud to announce that we have expanded! Effective March 1, 2016, we are now servicing and have a physical office in Memphis, Tennessee. We look forward to representing accident victims in the Memphis area and welcome the opportunity to become a part of the legal community…