Driving in School Zones Safely after a Year Off

Driving in School Zones Safely after a Year Off

After months or a full year of trying (often in vain) to get their kids to focus on classes taking place via Zoom while at the same time trying to work remotely from home themselves during the Covid-19 pandemic, many parents are excited that in-person schooling is returning. Thus far, all major school districts across…

Governor Vetoes PIP Reform Legislation

Governor Vetoes PIP Reform Legislation

In somewhat of a surprise move, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently vetoed legislation that had passed the Florida Legislature that would have reformed the state’s personal injury protection (PIP) system. The legislation would have replaced the entire PIP insurance scheme with a new mandatory automobile insurance requirement that every driver carry a minimum amount of…

Who Is Responsible for a Pothole Accident?

Who Is Responsible for a Pothole Accident?

Swerving to avoid a huge pothole in the road, another driver sideswipes your car. Your driver’s side door is smashed in while your head whips forward and hits the steering wheel in the process.  Somewhat dazed, you get out of the car to exchange insurance information with the other motorist, but you are a little…

Boating Safety This Summer in Florida

Boating Safety This Summer in Florida

Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of summer for many people in Florida and throughout the rest of the country. This year in particular has made for a celebratory mood at this time, with the state now fully opened up to visitors and positive news in both the recent decreases in Covid-19 infection trends as…

What If I Am Hit By a Tourist in Florida?

What If I Am Hit By a Tourist in Florida?

Florida’s economy depends on tourism. This was true before the Covid pandemic hit, the subsequent shutdowns that followed, and likely will continue to be true once the current pandemic is finally over all across the world.  People came from all over the United States and from other countries to enjoy the sunshine, beaches and the…


Who Is At Fault In A Left Turn Car Accident?

One of the most confusing, and dangerous, maneuvers that anyone can perform in a motor vehicle is to make a left turn at an intersection where there is not a dedicated left turn signal.  This is particularly true where the law is misunderstood by many people.  Florida law is clear that, if an intersection lacks…

Florida Legislature Looks Set to Repeal PIP After Years of Talk About Reform

Florida Legislature Looks Set to Repeal PIP After Years of Talk About Reform

Florida PIP repeal may finally take place soon. During its most recent legislative session, and after years of attempts to overhaul the state’s much-maligned mandatory personal injury protection (PIP) insurance scheme for motor vehicle liability insurance, both chambers of the Florida Legislature finally made the first serious attempts to do so during its recently concluded…