Economic Damages in Florida Personal Injury Actions

Economic Damages in Florida Personal Injury Actions

When people think of the damages that they may suffer as a result of someone else’s negligence and then seek recovery in personal injury claims or actions, the first thing most people think of is pain and suffering.  This is the element of damages that is most often talked about because the pain that a…

What if the Other Driver Lies to the Police?

What if the Other Driver Lies to the Police?

Someone turning left and speeding through an intersection, laying on his horn in an attempt to beat a red light, plows into your car as you accelerate from a green light with the right of way on a busy South Florida road in broad daylight. He smashes into your rear driver’s side door and trunk,…

Driving Rules for Roundabouts in Florida

Driving Rules for Roundabouts in Florida

Roundabouts are widely used throughout the rest of the world, but cities, towns and municipalities across the United States have been slow to adopt them despite the fact that many studies show them to be safer and more efficient at moving traffic through than traditional traffic lights.  Roundabouts in Florida are slowly beginning to be…