Pedestrian Accidents and Negligence

Pedestrian Accidents and Negligence

Pedestrian accidents in Florida occur with dangerous regularity.  A pedestrian many times may be in a rush and may feel like he or she does not have time to wait for a pedestrian signal at a busy intersection to change before crossing a busy street.  For instance, you may be hurrying back from a weekday…

Blaming the Victim: Does It Work?

Blaming the Victim: Does It Work?

One of the greatest mysteries for anyone who has ever had an experience with the civil court system, whether in Florida or elsewhere, is how juries ultimately make the decisions that they do.  Attorneys or judges who have been through hundreds of trials may think they have an idea, but no one truly knows what…

Running a Red Light in Florida

Running a Red Light in Florida

Many people may have been driving and were about to drive through an intersection when they suddenly find themselves embroiled in a seemingly no-win situation.  A traffic light that was green is suddenly turning from yellow into red, but a quick check into the rear-view mirror shows that the car behind them clearly was not…

Pedestrian Safety Tips for South Florida

Pedestrian Safety Tips for South Florida

South Florida, with life built around car ownership and use with its many freeways and roads, is not among the more pedestrian-friendly metropolitan areas in the country.  Indeed, as anyone who has ever tried to get around South Florida without a car knows, a person’s options can be very limited in Miami-Dade, Broward or Palm…

Do You have a Preexisting Medical Condition?

Do You have a Preexisting Medical Condition?

Very few people are in 100% perfect health when they are involved in a motor vehicle accident, suffer a slip-and-fall incident in a retail establishment or some other scenario in which the person suffers injuries as a result of someone else’s negligence. Given the presence of a preexisting medical condition, it is quite common, for…