Florida Pedestrians at Risk

Florida Pedestrians at Risk

Confirming what many people who walk on the road anywhere in Florida already knew about the dangers of being a pedestrian, an annual report released by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) examining pedestrian safety in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The GHSA examined traffic safety statistics, and specifically, the issue of…

Jason P. Dollard – Intolerant of Negligence

Jason P. Dollard – Intolerant of Negligence

Jason Dollard may be the newest member of the Schwed team, but he certainly is not a newcomer to personal injury.  For almost 15 years, Jason has focused on personal injury litigation, representing those who have been victimized by the negligence of others in cases that range from automobile accidents and premises liability to medical…

Drowsy Driving

Drowsy Driving

Drowsy driving is an underappreciated danger on today’s roads.  A recent accident in Polk County in central Florida serves as a wake-up call for those of us who may not get enough sleep and then climb behind the wheel.  Driving drowsy is a dangerous practice and can be fatal or cause serious injuries to both…

Pulling Over Safely

Pulling Over Safely

A man was recently killed on the Florida Turnpike after pulling his vehicle to the side of the road into an emergency lane, according to a report from Orlando’s ABC 9 WFTV News.  After pulling over his car to the side of the road, the driver, a 58-year-old male, was attempting to exit his vehicle…

Florida Train Accidents on the Rise

Florida Train Accidents on the Rise

A SunRail commuter train in Winter Park outside of Orlando recently hit a bicyclist, injuring him in the process.  According to an Orlando Sentinel article regarding the incident, the bicyclist, who was reported to be male and in his 60’s, was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment for his injuries.  None of the passengers…

Child Passenger Safety

Child Passenger Safety

A recent accident near Tallahassee involved several children who were not wearing proper child safety and were severely injured as a result.  According to a report from Tallahassee’s WCTV news, six people were injured in the crash on Interstate 10, including the two children.  The crash occurred at approximately 2:30 in the afternoon when a…