Ten-Year-Old Seriously Injured in Florida Adventure Park Accident

Ten-Year-Old Seriously Injured in Florida Adventure Park Accident

A Florida boy recently was seriously injured in an accident after he fell nearly twenty feet from a zip line onto a concrete floor at an adventure park in Lakeland after not being properly strapped into a safety harness by park staff.  These types of tragic incidents are unfortunately too common at amusement and adventure parks…

Study Shows Pedestrian Detection Equipment Not Fully Trustworthy

Study Shows Pedestrian Detection Equipment Not Fully Trustworthy

Confirming what many safety experts already knew, AAA recently released a report demonstrating that although the capabilities of many new vehicles’ safety features are steadily improving, they cannot be considered reliable just yet.  Specifically, the study found that the systems used by many new cars to detect pedestrians are not nearly advanced or skilled enough…

Another Florida Pedestrian Accident Highlights Road Danger

Another Florida Pedestrian Accident Highlights Road Danger

A pedestrian accident at an intersection in Palm Beach Gardens has highlighted the need for municipal authorities in Palm Beach County and in other communities throughout Florida to take steps ensuring pedestrian safety on Florida’s roadways.  Intersections throughout the Sunshine State often may have broken or malfunctioning walk signals or may be closed or under…

Fort Myers Fatality Shines Spotlight on Florida Hit-and-Run Accidents

Fort Myers Fatality Shines Spotlight on Florida Hit-and-Run Accidents

A fatal accident in Fort Myers recently brought the issue of hit-and-run fatalities into the Florida news yet again.  The accident involved a motorist who killed a mother of eight and then fled the scene of the accident on foot.  Thankfully, police were able to catch the individual responsible, and he is now facing criminal…